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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Multivariable gradient descent

This article is a follow up of the following:
Gradient descent algorithm

Here below you can find the multivariable, (2 variables version) of the gradient descent algorithm. You could easily add more variables. For sake of simplicity and for making it more intuitive I decided to post the 2 variables case. In fact, it would be quite challenging to plot functions with more than 2 arguments.

Say you have the function f(x,y) = x**2 + y**2 –2*x*y plotted below (check the bottom of the page for the code to plot the function in R):


Well in this case, we need to calculate two thetas in order to find the point (theta,theta1) such that f(theta,theta1) = minimum.

Here is the simple algorithm in Python to do this:

from sympy import *
x = Symbol('x')
y = Symbol('y')
z = Symbol('z')
f = x**2 + y**2 - 2*x*y
# First partial derivative with respect to x
fpx = f.diff(x)
# First partial derivative with respect to y
fpy = f.diff(y)
# Gradient
grad = [fpx,fpy]
# Data
theta = 830 #x
theta1 = 220 #y
alpha = .01
iterations = 0
check = 0
precision = 1/1000000
printData = True
maxIterations = 1000
while True:
temptheta = theta - alpha*N(fpx.subs(x,theta).subs(y,theta1)).evalf()
temptheta1 = theta1 - alpha*N(fpy.subs(y,theta1)).subs(x,theta).evalf()
#If the number of iterations goes up too much, maybe theta (and/or theta1)
#is diverging! Let's stop the loop and try to understand.
iterations += 1
if iterations > maxIterations:
print("Too many iterations. Adjust alpha and make sure that the function is convex!")
printData = False
#If the value of theta changes less of a certain amount, our goal is met.
if abs(temptheta-theta) < precision and abs(temptheta1-theta1) < precision:
#Simultaneous update
theta = temptheta
theta1 = temptheta1
if printData:
print("The function "+str(f)+" converges to a minimum")
print("Number of iterations:",iterations,sep=" ")
print("theta (x0) =",temptheta,sep=" ")
print("theta1 (y0) =",temptheta1,sep=" ")
# Output
# The function x**2 - 2*x*y + y**2 converges to a minimum
# Number of iterations: 401
# theta (x0) = 525.000023717248
# theta1 (y0) = 524.999976282752

This function though is really well behaved, in fact, it has a minimum each time x = y. Furthermore, it has not got many different local minimum which could have been a problem. For instance, the function here below would have been harder to deal with.


Finally, note that the function I used in my example is again, convex.
For more information on gradient descent check out the wikipedia page here.
Hope this was useful and interesting.

R code to plot the function

x <- seq(-5,5,length=100)
y <- x
fun <- function(x,y)
z <- outer(x,y,fun)


  1. Hey. Thanks for this amazing post. Most of the posts out there talk more on linear regression than 'gradient descent' itself. This is very well done.

    1. Thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked the post!

    2. How did you consider the value of theta and theta1 as 830 and 220?

  2. This is so helpful!!! BTW, what is "N" in "theta2 = theta - alpha*N(yprime.subs(x,theta)).evalf()"?(lines 29 and 30)

  3. N is a function which evaluates an expression, i.e. converts the expression into an numerical value.


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  5. How did you consider the value of theta and theta1 as 830 and 220?

  6. Hi, Nice post. It very much clarified the concept.
    #modified code, without usage of sympy. 15 lines and 2 functions

    Hi, Nice post. It very much clarified the concept.
    #modified code, without usage of sympy, 15 lines and 2 functions.

    # main function Fun1(x,z) = x**2 + z**2 - 2*x*z

    def dFun1Bydx(x,z):
    '''derivative with respct to x, keeping z constant'''
    return 2*x -2*z

    def dFun1Bydz(x,z):
    '''derivative with respct to z, keeping x constant'''
    return 2*z - 2*x

    # Data
    theta = 830 #x, an assumed value, you can take any
    theta1 = 220 #z, an assumed value, you can take any
    alpha = .01

    for i in range(0,1000):
    delta_x = dFun1Bydx(theta, theta1)
    delta_z= dFun1Bydz(theta, theta1)
    correction_x=alpha*delta_x #correction to x
    correction_z=alpha*delta_z # correction to z
    #print("delta x are",delta_x)
    #print("delta z are",delta_z)
    theta -= correction_x
    theta1 -= correction_z

    print("final x, z are", theta,theta1)

    #result is
    #final x, z are 525.0000000000014 524.9999999999986
    #min value of function is 0.0
