Now that we fitted the classifier and run some preliminary tests, in order to get a grasp at how our model is doing when predicting creditability we need to run some cross validation methods.
Cross validation is a model evaluation method that does not use conventional fitting measures (such as R^2 of linear regression) when trying to evaluate the model. Cross validation is focused on the predictive ability of the model. The process it follows is the following: the dataset is splitted in a training and testing set, the model is trained on the testing set and tested on the test set.
Note that running this process one time gives you a somewhat unreliable estimate of the performance of your model since this estimate usually has a non-neglectable variance.
In order to get a better estimate of model performance I am going to use a variant of the famous k-fold cross validation. I am going to split the dataset into a training set (95% of the data) and a test set (5% of the data) randomly for k different times and measure accuracy, false positive rate and false negative rate. After this I am going to run a double check using leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV). LOOCV is a K-fold cross validation taken to its extreme: the test set is 1 observation while the training set is composed by all the remaining observations. Note that in LOOCV K = number of observations in the dataset.
While there are some built-in functions in R that let you run cross validation, often more efficiently than implementing the process by yourself, this time I prefer coding my own because I would like to have a better understanding of what the algorithm is doing and how it is doing it. Although we may be paying a little more in terms of efficiency, by building our own “cross validator” we can personalize and tweak most of the parameters and therefore achieve a better process customization.
Cross validation (K-fold variant)
Let’s run (customized) cross validation first, then LOOCV
# Load data | |
data <- read.csv('training.csv',header=T) | |
# Select statistically significant variables | |
dat <- subset(data,select=c(c(2:3),c(5:11))) | |
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Cross validation (customized) | |
library(plyr) # progress bar | |
library(caret) # confusion matrix | |
# False positive rate | |
fpr <- NULL | |
# False negative rate | |
fnr <- NULL | |
# Number of iterations | |
k <- 500 | |
# Initialize progress bar | |
pbar <- create_progress_bar('text') | |
pbar$init(k) | |
# Accuracy | |
acc <- NULL | |
set.seed(123) | |
for(i in 1:k) | |
{ | |
# Train-test splitting | |
# 95% of samples -> fitting | |
# 5% of samples -> testing | |
smp_size <- floor(0.95 * nrow(dat)) | |
index <- sample(seq_len(nrow(dat)),size=smp_size) | |
train <- dat[index, ] | |
test <- dat[-index, ] | |
# Fitting | |
model <- glm(Creditability~.,family=binomial,data=train) | |
# Predict results | |
results_prob <- predict(model,subset(test,select=c(2:9)),type='response') | |
# If prob > 0.5 then 1, else 0 | |
results <- ifelse(results_prob > 0.5,1,0) | |
# Actual answers | |
answers <- test$Creditability | |
# Accuracy calculation | |
misClasificError <- mean(answers != results) | |
# Collecting results | |
acc[i] <- 1-misClasificError | |
# Confusion matrix | |
cm <- confusionMatrix(data=results, reference=answers) | |
fpr[i] <- cm$table[2]/(nrow(dat)-smp_size) | |
fnr[i] <- cm$table[3]/(nrow(dat)-smp_size) | |
pbar$step() | |
} | |
# Average accuracy of the model | |
mean(acc) | |
par(mfcol=c(1,2)) | |
# Histogram of accuracy | |
hist(acc,xlab='Accuracy',ylab='Freq', | |
col='cyan',border='blue',density=30) | |
# Boxplot of accuracy | |
boxplot(acc,col='cyan',border='blue',horizontal=T,xlab='Accuracy', | |
main='Accuracy CV') | |
# Confusion matrix and plots of fpr and fnr | |
mean(fpr) | |
mean(fnr) | |
hist(fpr,xlab='% of fnr',ylab='Freq',main='FPR', | |
col='cyan',border='blue',density=30) | |
hist(fnr,xlab='% of fnr',ylab='Freq',main='FNR', | |
col='cyan',border='blue',density=30) |
By averaging the accuracy score we get an average of 0.78856, not bad at all! Then, we need to plot the histogram and the boxplot of the accuracy to get a better idea
By looking at the plots you can see that measuring performance on a single train-test splitting may well be deceiving! On average our classifier is doing quite good: all the accuracy scores are greater than 0.5 and 75% of the accuracy are greater than 0.7. That’s at least a good start.
Leave one out cross validation (LOOCV)
Let’s try LOOCV now! Cross validation to its extreme: our classifier is tested on one observation only and trained on the remaining ones. Note that here the number of iterations is limited by the number of samples (the number of rows in the dataset).
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
#LOOCV | |
acc <- NULL | |
for(i in 1:nrow(data)) | |
{ | |
# Train-test splitting | |
# 499 samples -> fitting | |
# 1 sample -> testing | |
train <- dat[-i,] | |
test <- dat[i,] | |
# Fitting | |
model <- glm(Creditability~.,family=binomial,data=train) | |
# Predict results | |
results_prob <- predict(model,subset(test,select=c(2:9)),type='response') | |
# If prob > 0.5 then 1, else 0 | |
results <- ifelse(results_prob > 0.5,1,0) | |
# Actual answers | |
answers <- test$Creditability | |
# Calculate accuracy | |
misClasificError <- mean(answers != results) | |
# Collecting results | |
acc[i] <- 1-misClasificError | |
} | |
# Average accuracy of the model | |
mean(acc) | |
# Histogram of the model accuracy | |
hist(acc,xlab='Accuracy',ylab='Freq',main='Accuracy LOOCV', | |
col='cyan',border='blue',density=30) |
By running the script I get 0.79 average accuracy score. This is great and seems to be consistent with the score we got before using the previous cross validation method. We can plot the results although the plot does not necessarily add any significant insight.
As a comparison, we can try to run the cross validation function in R in the boot package:
# CV using boot
# Cost function for a binary classifier suggested by boot package
# (otherwise MSE is the default)
cost <- function(r, pi = 0) mean(abs(r-pi) > 0.5)
# LOOCV (accuracy)
# OUTPUT: [1] 0.79
# K-fold CV K=10 (accuracy)
# OUTPUT: [1] 0.79
It seems that everything we did was fine and consistent with R built-in functions. Good!
Hey, could you please attach the link for the dataset used. It would be more helpful if we can practice the code using the data set you used.
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for reading! The post is a bit old and I'm afraid I don't remember where the data came from exactly. But if you just need to practice, any data with a binary outcome should be fine to run the script without errors. Of course the results will be very different... I took note for future posts however, whenever possible I publish the source of the data.
DeleteIf you'd like to read something similar, I wrote a tutorial on convolutional neural networks in R with the Olivetti dataset (
I don't understand why in your confusion matrix the denominators of both FPR and FNR is the total size of the test set. Is there a reference for that? Your FPR and FNR are systematically smaller than what most references use for denominators, (FP+TN) for FPR and (FN+TP) for FNR.