
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Step response of a RLC series circuit

Today I am going to make a brief description of the step response of a RLC series circuit. This is the schematic made with LTspice

Immagine 1

As you can see the components used are a resistor, an inductor and a capacitor connected in series. By applying Kirchhoff voltage law we obtain the following equation

$$u(t) = R x(t) + L\frac{dx(t)}{dt} + \frac{1}{C} \int x(t)dt $$

Monday, 21 December 2015

Three-phase symmetric perfectly balanced system LTspice simulation

A symmetric, three-phase and perfectly balanced system can be easily modelled either by pen and paper with the use of phasors or using LTspice which is faster. In case you would like to try I suggest to first try the pen and paper way and then check the results on the simulator. A basic example of such system would be the following:

Immagine 1

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

How to simulate a simple high pass filters on LTspice

Here I am again after a long break!

During my last engineering class I learnt about the frequency response of a system and how this thing can be applied to solve simple problems. But the crucial question from most of us was the following: how would you build such filters, and perhaps more importantly, how would you tune them?

In principle, you could build a simple filter using nothing more than a resistor and a capacitor and, as you might have guessed, LTspice once again comes at rescuing us from our wandering around.

Let’s say we would like to build a simple high pass filter. Then we could try building the following circuit