
Monday, 13 October 2014

A simple program to calculate LED lights savings


EDIT: For the most updated application, please check the following page:
New version and bug fixes for LED lights savings calculator application

A week ago, a friend asked for a simple program which could help him calculate savings consumptions fast and give a glance at the overall picture.

If you did not know, by replacing your old bulbs and lamps with LED lights you can save up to 90% depending on the replaced lamp. For instance, if you replace neon with LED, savings are at least 45%, however they might be higher due to neon maintenance and hidden consumptions. If you replace incandescent bulbs with LED you save at least 80%.

Although initial price may be higher, LED lamps will surely pay off in the long run, since they are expected to last 50.000 hours!

This simple program lets you enter the data on your actual lights and the LED, then it calculates:
-Savings at each year, for 10 years
-Amortization time if the lamps are paid in one shot
-Financing of the LED lamps with a basic constant pay-out mortgage assuming a 5% interest rate
-Immediate savings if the LED lamps are financed

Click here for the python source code. Again, the program is pretty simple since only a sketch is needed. It surely can be improved. If you have any suggestion please let me know.

Here are some screenshots and a calculation example

Immagine 2

The result of a simple replacement: 200 neon tubes with 200 LED tubes (assuming a cost of 26 euro/pc for LED tube.

Looks really like LEDs are the lights of the future.

Note: some data may be incorrect in your country (for example energy cost, tube cost, etc..), if you should ever use this program please check each data you input.

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